‘PEOPLE OF JB’ - Image 7/20 - Tom Robertson // Fresh Food Grower. “I grow veg to give myself a new challenge, learn about and try exciting and rarely used plant varieties, to eat healthily and sustainably, diversify my food palette, and to share experiences with the local community where I live.”
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Comment‘PEOPLE OF JB’ - Image 6/20 - Clare Lewis-Evans // Florist, Owner Gypsy Carmen. “I started out at the local florist straight after high school. Having grown up with a family that loved and appreciates gardens and nature. I had no idea about the industry at all. I stayed there on and off for a few years while I travelled. I always loved foraging the beach and bush, and actually have a memory of collecting flowers from people's gardens and turning them into posies and door knocking selling them back to them! (when I was little haha). I love the coastal bush and after years of working in the industry I love translating this into my work with texture. I love contrasting wild elements with really luxe ingredients like orchids. I studied at TAFE in Sydney whilst working full-time at a beautiful florist in Manly. That really helped carve out my style. When I moved home to have Clem (my daughter), my friends asked me to do their weddings. One thing led to another and Gypsy Carmen was born. I fell into it and the town responded so positively - it wasn’t my plan to have my own business. Now I’ve done over 100 weddings.”
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Comment‘PEOPLE OF JB’ - Image 5/20 - Rob Slater // Photographer, Graphic Artist, Ocean Enthusiast. "It's hard to pinpoint one particular moment in time that stands out above the rest. The Bay and surrounding landscape is amazing and provides endless rewards and memorable moments. But if I had to pin one particular experience to the wall, it goes way back to the early 80s during a dive near The Docks - a stunningly beautiful area just inside the northern headland of the Bay. We had been seeing Humpbacks cruising wide all day and passed close to a pod travelling north while coming back from south of the Bay. This was our second dive for the day and you could hear the sounds of the Humpbacks underwater, which is amazing in itself. We finished the dive and were slowly coming up the anchor line when out of the deep blue a large black mass appeared. Initial apprehension quickly turned into amazement as a baby Humpback around 5 meters long came into view. It slowly swam straight up to us and eased by only a few meters away. This beautiful animal casually turned back on itself, swimming in a circle around us before heading back into the blue. Bit of a mind bender that one. But the thing that has given me the the most satisfaction over the years has been watching all of the local young fellas I have gotten to know through surfing grow up into respectful fine human beings. Mushy I know, but that's the truth.”
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Comment‘PEOPLE OF JB’ - Image 4/20 - Lara Hindmarsh // Freediver, Co-owner Woe be Gone Freedive. "Floating in the ocean is an indescribable feeling. You instantly forget your problems, your human constraints, and that endless mind monologue. Being out on the ocean is the closest I have ever felt to being connected with Mother Nature. It’s these fleeting moments, being at one with the elements, raw adrenaline; these times make me feel alive and powerful! I believe if people fall in love with the ocean then they’ll want to protect it. My life goal is to do no harm and leave the world a better place than when I found it.”
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Comment‘PEOPLE OF JB’ - Image 3/20 - Alistair Kelsey // Owner, Alistair Kelsey Jewellery. “One of the proudest moments of my career was winning the JAA Australasian Jeweller of Year in 2017. I was blown away when my name was announced. To be awarded first place by people I’ve admired throughout my career, was a truly special moment.
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Comment‘PEOPLE OF JB’ - Image 2/20 - Tara Solberg // Founder, Few & Far; “The proudest moment for me since starting our business in September 2009 definitely has to be opening night of our first store in Huskisson. I will never forget how proud I felt and those feelings of excitement and disbelief! This was really happening! We’d always had big dreams, but never imagined it would have grown to the business it is today - it was a night I will never forget.” - Tara Solberg, Few and Far.
New Portrait Series: 'People of JB'
1 Comment‘PEOPLE OF JB’ - A new portrait series I have been working on, showcasing some of Jervis Bay’s most passionate and talented local people.
1/20 - Jordan Robins // Ocean Photographer; “Every time you immerse yourself in the pristine waters of Jervis Bay you can nearly always guarantee that you will have some amazing interactions with the local marine life. One of the most memorable experiences I’ve had in Jervis Bay would be when a mate and I were out freediving and had two adult Humpback Whales swim up to us. These curious whales swam alongside us for nearly an hour as they danced and played and is an experience that I will never forget.” - Jordan Robins.